The supplier evaluation and selection process for contract manufacturers is substantial and begins with identifying potential candidates. Evaluating manufacturers for "1st-cut" consideration is difficult even for well-experienced OEM's. The industry is complex and continually changing:
1.New companies enter the industry each year while established companies go into bankruptcy, merge or are acquired.
2. As our numerous factory audits show, operating performance such a quality and delivery varies considerably among sites, even among sites of the same contract manufacturer.
3.Value-added services such as supply chain management, product design, DFX engineering, distribution and repair continue to evolve and are also shown to vary considerably in our supplier evaluation work.
AGSG’s information network is extensive and continually growing. We have excellent contacts with many large, mid-size and smaller contract manufacturers and component parts suppliers worldwide. Much first-hand knowledge of their capabilities is gained from our on-going supplier evaluation and supplier selection work. In addition, we periodically conference with multi-national company contacts who have successful outsource programs to confidentially discuss insight on evaluating contract manufacturers relative to current engagement.
To stay current on latest industry and contract manufacturer developments, AGSG’s growing reputation and credibility among contract manufacturers and 2nd-tier suppliers (i.e., high precision metals, plastics, cables, electro-mech parts) is an important advantage that we bring to every client relationship.
● Molds & Tooling |
● Die castings |
● Plastic mold injected parts |
● Ductile iron parts
● Silicone keypads |
● Cord set assemblies |
● Electric brakes |
● Wire harness assemblies
● Hardware & Fasteners |
● Switches |
● Gears, Acme shafts |
● Carbon brushes
● Solar panels |
● LCD screen |
● Valves & Cylinders |
● Solenoids
● CNC machined parts |
● Gear boxes |
● Casters |
● Bearings
江苏省太仓市陆渡镇飞沪北路8号联达工业区12栋. 邮编:215412 粤ICP备05048877
版权所有 亚德赛尔科技有限公司
电话: 86-512-5337-1388 传真: 86-512-5337-1386 email:info@adaceltech.com